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Premio Amici della Musica di Verona

Zebra Music Studio

Feb 23, 2023

07 May - 08 Oct, 2023
closing date: 21 Mar 2023

07 May - 08 Oct, 2023

International competition for soloists and chamber music groups up to five members under the age of 35 (for ensembles is considered the average age of all members).

For the Preliminary Round it is necessary to send the link of a professsional or amateur video/playlist, lasting between 12 and 20 minutes (in case of longer videos the Jury will the jury will stop listening at exactly minute 20), uploaded on Youtube as unlisted.

All applications are anonymous.

The Final Round of the competition will take place in the form of a concert: an entire recital, lasting between 60 and 65 minutes with a free choice program.

The Jury is made up of renowned musicians who make up the Artistic Committee of Amici della Musica.

The results will be announced at the end of the concert session.Economic prize for a maximum value of 4000 €, and the debut in the next great concert season of Amici della Musica di Verona.


closing date: 21 Mar 2023

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